Exercise 5.3: Add behavior to our Xamarin.Forms calculator

Lab goals

In this final exercise we will modify your Xamarin.Forms calculator application and supply the behavior for the Calculate button to add, subtract, multiply and divide the two entered numbers. To complete the exercise, we will perform the following steps together:

  1. Create local fields in the class to hold theEntryelements we will be entering our numbers into - this will allow the code to access those elements to perform the calculations on.
  2. Add in a new StackLayout view with a set of Label controls to display the results of the operations. We will hide the entire StackLayoutby setting the IsVisibile property to false.
  3. Provide an event handler for the Clicked event on the Button.
  4. In the event handler, provide the logic to get the two entered numbers from the Entrycontrols and add, subtract, multiply and divide them (checking for a zero divisor) and put the answers into the new results Label's. Then we will show the entire set of results by changing the result StackLayout.IsVisible property totrue.

When we are finished, our application will look like:


Try to use the picture and above steps to complete the lab exercise, referring to the slides if you need any help in creating the UI. You can also use the following step-by-step instructions to fill in any knowledge gaps.

Create fields for the Entry controls

First, let's capture the two Entryviews by placing them into fields in our App class. Create two fields in the class to store firstNumber and secondNumber and assign them in your constructor method. The method is currently creating local fields in the constructor itself.

using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace Calculator
    public class App : Application
        Entry firstNumber, secondNumber;

        public App()
           firstNumber = new Entry();
           secondNumber = new Entry();

Add in results labels

Next, let's add in the Label views we will use to display each result - one for each operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Since we only want to show these when you perform a calculation, we will create a new StackLayout to hold them all and hide it through theIsVisible property. This is a bool value (true/false) which determines whether it is shown on thescreen- changing the value causes the entireStackLayout and all the children in it to appear and disappear.

  1. In the constructor method, at the bottom (but before you assign the MainPage property), create a new StackLayoutnamed resultsLayout.
  2. Set the IsVisible property to false on the StackLayout - remember you can use the property-initializer syntax for this!
  3. Add four labels as children in the StackLayout

    • sumLabel

    • differenceLabel

    • productLabel

    • quotientLabel

    To hold each of the operations we will calculate.

  4. Place all of the new objects into fields in the class - we will need to access these later when we handle the button click.

Here's a little C# shortcut: you can create, assign and add a UI element into a StackLayout in one line like this:

    Label myField; // field declared in the class
    layout.Children.Add(myField = new Label() { Text = "Hello" });

Notice how the label is created (new), assigned (=) and then added to the layout field all in one line.

public class App : Application
    StackLayout resultsLayout;
    Label sumLabel, productLabel, differenceLabel, quotientLabel;


    public App()

        resultsLayout = new StackLayout {
            IsVisible = false

        resultsLayout.Children.Add(sumLabel = new Label());
        resultsLayout.Children.Add(differenceLabel = new Label());
        resultsLayout.Children.Add(productLabel = new Label());
        resultsLayout.Children.Add(quotientLabel = new Label());


        page.Content = layout;
        MainPage = page;

Add an event handler to the button Clicked event

We want to perform our calculations when the user taps our "Calculate" button. To do this, we need to be notified when this happens. We get notified about user interactions with events.

1.In the constructor method, just after the Button is created, add an event handler named OnCalculateClicked for the Clicked event.

  1. Button calcButton = new Button() {
        Text = "Calculate"
    calcButton.Clicked += OnCalculateClicked;
  2. Next, we need to create the method that is called when this happens - it must be named OnCalculateClicked. You can look at the slides to see the signature and add the method yourself, or there's a cool trick that your IDE can do to help you.

  3. Right-click on the OnCalculateClicked name after the += assignment. You should get a context menu which includes the choice Fix, if you hover over that, it will open to show a Create method option. If you click that, the IDE will create the method for you!

public class App : Application
    public App()
        calcButton.Clicked += OnCalculateClicked;

    private void OnCalculateClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Implement the calculator logic

In this final step, let's implement our calculator logic in the OnCalculateClicked method. Here we will retrieve the two numbers from our Entry controls, and perform each of the calculations - setting the results into our Label fields we created earlier.

  1. Use the Text property on firstNumber to retrieve the string typed into theEntry control.
  2. You will then need to turn this into a number - we'll use an integer in this case. If you remember from the last class, we used theint.Parse method to take a string and turn it into an integer. Use that method here to get the first number.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 to get the second number using secondNumber.
  4. Next, perform all four calculations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) and get the numeric results. Remember to properly handle the zero divisor case - just set the result to (-1) if the second number is zero.
  5. Finally, using the string.Format method, create strings and assign them to your labels. This method works exactly like Console.WriteLine except that it returns a string instead of writing the output to the console. It accepts the same replacement tokens, so for example, you can use the following for your addition result:
    int sum = number1 + number2;
    sumLabel.Text = string.Format("The sum is: {0}", sum);
  6. Do the same for each of the math operations.
  7. Lastly, set the IsVisible property on the resultsLayoutfield to true so it shows up on the screen.

    void OnCalculateClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int number1 = int.Parse(firstNumber.Text);
        int number2 = int.Parse(secondNumber.Text);
        sumLabel.Text = string.Format("The sum is: {0}", number1 + number2);
        differenceLabel.Text = string.Format("The difference is: {0}", number1 - number2);
        productLabel.Text = string.Format("The product is: {0}", number1 * number2);
        int result = -1;
        if (number2 != 0)
            result = number1 / number2;
        quotientLabel.Text = string.Format("The quotient is: {0}", result);
        resultsLayout.IsVisible = true;
  8. Run the application and type in two numbers and press the Calculate button - you should then see your results!

  9. Here's the final application output.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""