Exercise 2: Create the UI for a Xamarin.Forms calculator

Lab goals

In this exercise you will modify your Xamarin.Forms application and replace the existing UI code with a new user interface to input two numbers and a button to perform a calculation with those numbers. If you use the lab instructions, your UI will look something like:

To complete this exericse, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the existing code from the constructor method in App.cs. Recall that this file might be named Calculator.cs if you created the project in Visual Studio.
  2. Create a new ContentPage with the Content set to a StackLayout to hold your UI elements.
  3. Add a Label and Entryto prompt and get the 1st number.
  4. Add a secondLabelandEntry to prompt and get the 2nd number.
  5. Add a Button with the Text "Calculate"
  6. Return the creted ContentPage.


Try to use the picture and above steps to complete the lab exercise, referring to the slides if you need any help in creating the UI. You can also use the following step-by-step instructions to fill in any knowledge gaps.

Delete the existing code

  1. Open the App.cs file in the portable project - this is the first project in your solution and is the one you will do all your work in.
  2. In this file you will find the definition for an App class which has a constructor method. This is what Xamarin.Forms calls in order to create the single screen in the application
    • it's currently a Label with some text.
  3. Go ahead and delete the code in the method - leave the constructor method definition itself, just remove the contents:

    using Xamarin.Forms;
    namespace Calculator
      public class App : Application
        public App()
          // The root page of your application
          // All the code in this method has been removed.

Add in a ContentPage and StackLayout

Each screen in your application is a Page. Most of the time, you will use a ContentPage to provide the screen - this allows for a single piece of content in the form of a visual element. Here, we will create the ContentPage and set it's content to a StackLayout.

  1. In the App constructor method, create a new ContentPage object and assign it to a variable - name it page.
  2. Next, create a new StackLayout object - remember these are used to organize children in rows or columns. We will use the default layout of rows (vertical), but you can change that if you like by setting the Orientation property.
  3. Assign the StackLayoutto a new variable named layout.
  4. Set the page.Content property to be your StackLayout variable.
  5. Assign the page to the MainPage property - this assignment is what will tell Xamarin.Forms to use this page as the main screen.
  6. Build (and run) the program. It should display an empty screen.
  7. Next, let's give it a little visual tweaking. Set the following properties on the StackLayout, try using the property-initializer syntax!: Padding = 20 Spacing = 20 These will adjust the padding around the page and the spacing between any children added to the StackLayout.
  8. Build and run the app again - it should now have a gray background.
public App()
    ContentPage page = new ContentPage();

    StackLayout layout = new StackLayout() {
        Padding = 20, 
        Spacing = 20

    page.Content = layout;

    MainPage = page;

Add in your child views

Next, let's add in the views to show and collect our required data. Remember, we want our UI to look like this:

  1. Create a new Label and set the Text property to "Enter 1st number", assign it to avariable named label.
  2. Add thelabelinto the StackLayout with the following code:
    Label label = new Label() { Text = "Enter 1st number" };
  3. Create and add anEntrycontrol to the StackLayout using the same basic code.
  4. Add a secondLabelwith the text "Enter 2nd number" and a second Entry into the StackLayout.
  5. Finally, add a new Button with the text "Calculate" to the StackLayout.
  6. Build and run the application and verify the app looks like the screen shown above.
public App()
    ContentPage page = new ContentPage();

    StackLayout layout = new StackLayout() {
        Padding = 20, 
        Spacing = 20

    layout.Children.Add(new Label() {
        Text = "Enter 1st number"

    Entry firstNumber = new Entry();

    layout.Children.Add(new Label() {
        Text = "Enter 2nd number"

    Entry secondNumber = new Entry();

    Button calcButton = new Button() {
        Text = "Calculate"


    page.Content = layout;
    MainPage = page;

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