Chapter 5 Shifting from Console to Mobile

Up to this point, we have been creating console applications which run on desktop computers. In this session we will shift our focus to using C# to create mobile applications that run on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.


  1. Introduce Xamarin.Forms
  2. Implement a simple Xamarin Forms application

Exercise 5.1 Create and run a new Xamarin.Forms project
In this lab, you will create your first Xamarin.Forms application and get it running in an emulator.

Exercise 5.2 Create the UI for a Xamarin.Forms calculator
In this exercise, you will replace the existing UI for your Xamarin.Forms application with a simple calculator UI which includes a fewLabels, twoEntryviews and aButton

Exercise 5.3 Add behavior to our Xamarin.Forms calculator
In this final exercise, you will add an event handler to theButtonand read the values entered into theEntryviews to perform a calculation which you will display in aLabel


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