Learn C# with Xamarin Vol. 1

This workshop provides an introduction to the C# programming language and Xamarin tools for building mobile applications.

Chapter 1 introduction to C#
A gentle introduction to programming using the C# (C Sharp) language intended for people new to programming.
Exercise 1.1 Hello World
Exercise 1.2 Fundamentals

Chapter 2 Branching and Looping
Learn how to evaluate information and make decisions in your programs as they run.
Exercise 2.1 Parsing
Exercise 2.2 FizzBIn

Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming
Explorer the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with C#.
Exercise 3.1 Define a class and namespace to manage a road trip
Exercise 3.2 Planning a Road Trip

Chapter 4: Adding Behavior in our Apps
Learn how to add behavior into your classes with methods.
Exercise 4.1 Building a Calculator
Exercise 4.2 Adding onto our Calculator
Exercise 4.3 Working with properties

Chapter 5: Shifting from Console to Mobile
Apply your new C# knowledge to build a mobile application with Xamarin.Forms!

Before you begin
This is a Xamarin cross-platform class about C#. You can use either Visual Studio for Mac or Visual Studio for Windows. Please read the setup requirements if you need help installing the Xamarin development environment.

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